I think the dev knows how many people want to see Zahra with Igor so he is delaying it as much as possible.
Yes - there is a very vocal sharing group here but, from what I have seen from $ supporters, that group is either much smaller or much less vocal...
There is a big difference between what people are vocal about wanting for free on F95 and what they actually contribute $ to support a dev, his story and its associated fetishes.
Every sharing scene that the dev builds for Igor/Omar/XYZor/ABCar means less screen time for Zaton and his women and less story time.
I'm here for the story as well as Zaton and his heir and now fellow risk taker - Shani - taking the spoils of conquest and victory.
I have little interest in Zaton taking all the risks so that other men can share all of the women in his family + those he has won/been gifted.
IMO, any sharing Zaton would ask Shani to do with other men would devalue her as both his heir and as a Desert Stalker.
There is a Big difference between Shani being told to have sex with XYZor/ABCar versus Shani
Choosing to help Zaton seduce the Queen.
The story is called Desert Stalker, not Desert Pimp.