Thanks, mate! Good times.
That particular lady and I are getting together again in a few days. She was so aroused the last time (and we've played like that a little before), I have a feeling I know what she's going to be in the mood for.

Possibly I'll take some snaps, unless she objects.
She's the only person I've ever indulged in this with. It's a balancing act to partake occasionally yet remain dominant the rest of the time; all of the women who are attracted to me and to whom I'm attracted are submissive.
Still, I'm continually surprised by just how filthy-minded that otherwise sweet, "normal" women are deep down. So who knows? One of the other girls I see is a likely candidate for this kind of kink. She's twentysomething, blonde, almost 6 feet, athletic. The other week, she was laying on top of me just really fucking my brains out when I said something to the effect of "I bet you wish I was a sexy girl right now." She said moaned, said yes and instantly climaxed. Score!