- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- ➤ 2nd channel - / snipingsoup
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friendings in vid
Outro song - • Soup - Gucci Belt
© 2024 Sniping Soup (liquidmetall711) Игры
how y’all doin
wheres monkey man
Like trash
Moon goonin with a lot lizard
That trial admin is gonna love this video 😭
Congratulations bro🎉
Its so easy to be normal but those gta rp kids have zero social awareness
He wasn't that bad. He just said he watches his videos and is a fan and won't ban him.
@ItIsYouAreNotYour if you don't see what was wrong you also have trash social awareness....
@@ItsYouAreNotYour He was bad, but I can't be too mad at him. I think he got starstruck and saw this as his one chance to be in a funny Soup video. He thought he could be one of the cool fans that helps Soup from the inside, but he dropped the ball in every way possible.
He called them celebrities which could've let the other players know they're youtubers, he kept following them around despite them trying to drive away, and he kept trying to insert himself into any interactions they had with other players.
"You're also talking to a senior admin and also the head admin"🤓☝
Legit the nerd face 😂 their voice was so annoying
I was crying when they said this 😂😂😂😂
That admin was insufferable. Made my cooter mad
soup will prefer watching TikTok Cringe for 3 Hours while kissing Ethan than being near with that admin 😆
It’s so annoying like why can you not get into a police chase with a cop without them freezing you because you’re faster like that’s real life😂
@@Jg15243 because they can't handle the real world that's why they pretend in a game lmao.
@@Slothziall the things he loves to do in one
@@raudiJesus truest thing ever said
that dude gon be real sad when he watches this video and sees soup clowning him lmao rip
He gon learn today boy
@@loucam-l6214lil pudgy
Bro can have something bad happen to him and Soup or anyone else won’t give af and no one shouldn’t
33:10 "Just try to do realistic roleplay" yeah because it's so realistic that you physically cannot commit a crime at certain times because someone who can teleport to you and freeze you says so..
Very realistic
Tbf, I think that's done so you're not robbing a bank to zero cops
That's what I'm saying, like have they ever watched the news about arrests? 🤣
The dooo ?
Crazy that so many servers wont allow you to try and run away. Like do they prefer just talking instead of actually chasing or having to arrest someone? Ive been kicked from a server for stealing an npc vehicle. Like mf can i not rob a car in Grand Theft Auto??? Its so dumb
Sometimes you’ll see the audience soup accumulates in RP and they somehow are able to form sentences, it’s incredible
It's like finding a crackhead that isn't homeless
Funny RUclipsrs with Unfunny and Cringey fans is pretty common in this platform. him being annoyed is pretty expected specially with a fan like that.
@@Slothziyes but it is expected
you know, when Soup tells you to fuck off after you've made it known a million times you're fan of his content, he isn't saying it to be funny. He's literally telling you to fuck off. Some of y'all need to learn to read a room lol Don't take him leaving your embarrassing ass interactions with him in the video as thinking it was funny either. He's showing everyone what NOT to do.
Don't be that guy.
You showed the car fax
Soup's terms and conditions
Most people are autistic these days, unfortunately society accepts that it's okay.
Unfortunately these people think it's okay to be socially awkward instead of learning how to be normal 😂
fr some soup fans r so annoying
They need to learn he’s not their friend just cuz they’ve watched his vids. He don’t know them and he’s trying to do a job
I feel like i need to share, my wife and kids have no idea who soup is but i say "YEAH BABY" in the 'soup voice' so often that my whole house quotes him unknowingly
Same here bro 🤣 or the "YEAH MAMA"
Lmfao 😂😂 im surprised you've never watched soup around ur wife 😂🤣
I didn't see the comma at first and read it as "I need to share my wife" 💀
42:00 to 49:30 was the greatest interaction you've ever had in gta trolling holy SHIT that was funny.
dude honestly that shit was hilarious 😭
I'm amazed the cop managed to keep a serious tone the entire time
Woods is a really good cop, he rarely ever breaks character. I was in the pink bmw, I didn't even know this was soup, I just like to fuck with the people pulled over 😂
Eh Def not the funniest
Dr queef
Why do Soup's fans immediately go to "OMG ITS THOUP!!!!! ITS WITEWAWWY THOUP!!!" instead of letting Soup just do his thing
IQ low
because theyre stupid children
They want him to be their father figure
i dont do rp but if i did and soup was in the game i would either remove myself from the situation to let him do his thing or just ignore the fact that its him
Because soups fanbase is either below 13 or above 20 no in between
Back to the good old times of GTA trolling. Love it!
“You’re talking to a senior admin and also the head admin ☝️🤓”
28:15 he way Ethan walks up to the cop just to slap him had me dying 😂😂😂
Slapped some of that good ole Colombian in his nose that’s why he didn’t arrest him that’s some good shit
that admin is a perfect example of what not to do if you see Soup in a GTA RP server.
We have two perfect examples what NOT to be which is that admin and the and what you SHOULD be which is our ole freind cuatro he’s a legend btw
Welp time for another 50 minute edging session
Bro is there a way you can send me that profile pic
@@TravisSansbury lmao
@@TravisSansburygimme your telegram I’ll send it
@@TravisSansburyit’s beautiful…
@@TravisSansbury you can search up the words on the pfp and it'll come up.
28:00 had me fucking dead bro just instantly complies
Slipknot - V8 Corey Interview
great minds think alike
lmfao he broke the cop
19:06 Average Slackjaw concert
Me when I’m trying to join the Klan 😂
soup never fails to lather me up with these gta rp videos
Soup actually roleplaying is so fun to watch 😭
47:46 - "Sir, why are we playing games?" LMFAO peak irony from inside the GTA5 server there, bud.👌🤣🤘
soup:why am i being arrested?
cops: i dont know
soup:why am i being arrested?
cops:uhm can someone book him?
soup:why am i being arrested?
cops:disordly conduct
soup:what did i do wrong?
cops: i dont know
I love how soup gets the most annoyed when he meets his fans, cause he knows how we are.
its cuz a lot of them are annoying
because they are mostly annoying and unfunny. some of them are legendary but most of them are cringey and always ruining the recording session.
That's the exception not the norm.
Cringe fanboys
Real fans who watch the video know how to behave if soup is in the server, and it's not like this
Edating admins at 35:00 lmao
I'd bet if those two have seen this they must feel like idiots 😅
They were insufferable, have to be honest.
This is the funniest thing I've watched in years. Well thought out and great improvisation. Love your content, and please keep trolling ! The admins got lost in the authority of their positions instead of adhering to RP. Brilliantly done 🎉❤
Dear admins, please keep trolling soup. Its actually hilarious.
Senior admin and head admin as a flex is wild. These people's lives are so pathetic its honestly quite sad.
Literally been waiting for another one to come out been watching your old ones
Soup: I need a voice changer or somethin’
Also Soup: *starts talking like Batman turned pirate*
27:32 the "NO" caught me so off guard and i was losing my shit laughing
That Mexican slap had me laughing so hard 😂😂
I just love Soup giving the cops a hard time at the first start of the video, it's so funny😂😂😂
Man, I love how GTA just brings out all these crazy moments! 😂 Makes you wonder how they even became cops, right? It's like a comedy show and a crime scene all in one! 😂 Keep it up, Soup! 🚓💥
I feel soup. I'm not even the one recording and I get so pissed when his fans ruin every single video by simply not shutting up
Allah has blessed my day with a soup gta rp video
Replace allah with dinner with jay z
@@SuburbanSurronnobody asked liberal
That guy at the end “somebody gonna make me a ham sandwich “ had me howling
Life is complete when soup posts a hour long video
The return of Steve Beef! 🥩🥩🥩
Dokter Mrs BeEF
@@PeacefulPPOshe’s dating John pork btw
whenever soups fans are in the same server he's in it's like they gain a parasocial relationship and HAVE to follow him
i swear these admins will never be anything irl
A beautiful duet, def a secret track on the new Slackjaw album fs
34:42 LMAO they look like those admins from Free Guy 😂
im cryingggg at the two edaters being like "erm we're the head admins you might be in trouble 🤓"
Gets punched, allegedly has his item stolen, is tazed by a cop, is run over three times by other cops, gets arrested for 50 minutes. Most sound RP logic
"Ehrrrrm, well actually I'm the SeNiOr AdmIN 🤓🤓🤓"
So we just not discussing Trippys magic? Around the 38:45 mark he threw two flares, one went clean across the parking lot then vaulted up onto the roof 😂
The big 3 back at it again playing GTA RP you love to see it
I love how they always shout at you to "rp seriously" but almost every cop on there would loose their job for several crimes in about 3 seconds
all the tires falling off was for some reason one of the funniest things ive seen
The slap into the slow walk was crazy
50:45 I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe.
Bro was just tased and set on fire 15 minutes ago and shows up only to get tased again lmfao.
"Dr. Mrs. Beef" had me crying🤣
I will never get tired of these
What if that admin wasn't even a fan, he just finally cracked the code on how to ruin soups content? Pretend to be a fan that wants to be in the vid lmao
"Senior admin and head admin" 🤓🤓
Absolutely insufferable :D
Irl they work at McDonald’s so they wanna seem important in reality they’re just a failure and will never get a real job
Hitting a dude with car to stop him from running is very realistic rp lmao
8:13 Idk why but this whole thing reminded me of RvB 😂
Yeah lol
What's RvB?
@@ItsYouAreNotYour Red vs Blue, it’s an old RUclips comedy series based in the Halo games. I believe it’s on Amazon prime now.
@@ItsYouAreNotYour Red Vs Blue is an old web series' the company that makes it recently got closed/shut down.
@@Twitser666 Ah, okay. Thanks!
Coming back home from work to see soup dropped some new GTA content is heavenly
I love you Soup!❤
No, you love Elden ring 1518
I’d pay so much god damn money if we got the food trippy and soup music trolling like he did back in the bo2 days ong
Soup puts the p in pooter
Soup puts the grenade in the gravy
Soup puts the officer in the padded room
Yumi puts the D in the Diddy
When bro said “I don’t think I stutter son” at 30:01, I knew he was immersed into the role of a gta cop he said that ish with heart
Hey Soup! Thanks for recording on our server at the start. We hope you had fun! Hopefully see you around soon 😉
First day of highschool and soup posted I love soup
This deserves way more views!
"Howdy Folks, Soup Here..." Funny Moments! 🤣
I swear at 3:30 you can hear someone whispering trippy
New soup video let's gooooo
GTA RP vids are the best ones on this channel. Inshallah Soup has blessed us with an hour long one
damn that guy needs to come back,
ah ah ah, you recka tha joka
I love how the most toxic players in gta rp are not even the trolls lmao
The ending to this video might actually be one if the funniest soup rp things ever
subtle Steve Beef cameo
I just threw up from drinking a lot last night now I’m eating and watching this video I feel fantastic
Heck yeah
Now you gotta start drinking again bubba
i love soups rp videos, they never fail to make me laugh
Glad to see you back Soup!
10:32 da trollers get da trollin lmao
Who doesn’t love some good ole GTA Rp babbbyyy
I love falling asleep to the sound of soups screams
Steve beef is calling 🥩
this one of ur funniest gta rp vids 😭😭
Just as daddy sits down to stuff my face with taco bell. Excellent timing
Omg you put me in the vid I am the trial mod that's awesome 👌 thanks!
never been this early to a soup video in my life
The pony mov pfp is a real throwback
This is the first rp that’s made me laugh in a minute
"this is me, hi, hello" that shit sent me XD
I wish these kids would just chill and go along w the jokes instead of freaking tf out
i suggest doing the Indian accent
The kid in the cyber truck was actually funny in the beginning 😂
dinner with jay z
Probably one of the funniest gta rp vids. Up there w the Star Wars ones
56:41 minutes of ecstasy 😩😩😩
You know it's about to be a good time when Soup drops a gta rp video!
“You are talking to a senior admin”☝️🤓
15:36 instagram women profiles
15:36 My honest reaction: God DaMN!
Lgbtq type shit
The Cybertruck driver had some absolutely wild quotes
First admin annoying as hell
on god
10:45 :( I get the bs but show a little love to the people on the other side of the screen yannnoo
Everybody that watches should understand that they don't want that like that. Play along and have fun and that's how ya get the love brother.
Bro could’ve actually added something to the vid instead of saying “this guys famous”
@@the_deal0525 after watching the whole thing I kinda realize that. Soup a good guy, yes yes