VN Ren'Py Abandoned General Practitioner 2 [v0.0.10] [Bruni Multimedia]

2,00 звёзд 9 Votes
Yes, I deleted it. It has a beautiful opening but when it comes to game play... thats a no go. It says you can play with a general knowledge of medicine... B.S. You need a hell of a lot more than general knowledge to play this and do NOT recommend... no stars!
  • Angry
Реакции: Avaron1974 и Gintoky


I found a bug myself: in room_dispatcher.rpy line 96 you need this:
if elsa_end_exam == False:
(and not if elsa_52_intro == False:)
  • Thinking Face
Реакции: Allan Trumbull


Yes, I deleted it. It has a beautiful opening but when it comes to game play... thats a no go. It says you can play with a general knowledge of medicine... B.S. You need a hell of a lot more than general knowledge to play this and do NOT recommend... no stars!
Same... gave it a go... but there's no game play outside answering extremely difficult medical questions/situations.
I wrote down some suggestions of what could make the game enjoyable - and was (basically) told to stfu it's not a porn game :D

So - its gone from my HDD...
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Реакции: vonamatas и menatv
Enjoyed GP1. Feedback on spelling errors and other bits as I playthrough. All come from a place of love and respect.
Boring post for anyone but a dev.

Q renders as a small square box
indipendent to indepentent
Was going to correct "Auntie was like a mother to both of you, and she will be sorely missed" to
"Auntie was like a mother to both of us, and she will be sorely missed" but then realised it was the character's internal monologue. Might be worth showing that in the text with speech marks for spoken words or italics for thoughts.
Early Morning for start of day - on splash screen the E disappears against the pale background image. Same with other day phases.
God those study questions are hard. Even with google.
Aunt Pierce and character called Julie Pearce related? Why not both be called Pierce or Pearce? It jars they are different not like there is a gramatic or gender difference between the two like polish ski and ska.
Charme points should be charm?
The Chief Complaint doesn't need capitalisation.
When choosing the day activity there is not much difference between the grey and the black of the selected and non selected text.
Being a doctor is hard. You need to have studied really hard. Who knew! :)
Game crashed with Maria's examination with no further consultations operable.
Left it there for now. All the best.
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Yomi Alliance was a decent game. I had tried General Practitioner 1 and it was gated in ways that wouldn't allow you to explore several women without locking out everything else and none of that was made clear to the player. This one you have added a female partner to the mix but haven't learned that F95 is where you put actual porn games and not "lets focus on being a legal doctor". If this was more focused on multiple patients wanting to explore things with the doctor and less about exploring a medical journal the game could almost be fun.


Active Member
Well the fixes work, but also cuts the content unless there is no more content.
I seem to be just stuck in loops of when choosing;
work, getting a $100 then jumps to next choice in day
studying, answering the same questions
dating, don't do anything for either MC but jumps the the next choice in day
2,00 звёзд 9 Votes