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Feb 27, 2019 4:28 AM

Oct 2017
There were debates of which anime has the best fandom, or the worst fandom. But I have never seen a debate of which anime has the worst hate fandom.

Basically the worst hate fandom that I can think is Sword Art Online, and I guess it's not even a discussion, not even the Darling in the Franxx hate fandom gets close to it.
"What a Player, what a Champion here at Wimbledon, the first man to win 8 Championships."
Andrew Castle on Roger Federer winning his 19th Grand Slam title.
Feb 27, 2019 4:39 AM
Dec 2018
As i known. Anime with too much franchise is hateable by the internet. not to mention that lot of SJW's take an eye on "anime" nowaday. so even the non anime fans will hate the anime they don't even know about (its old problem tho).
Feb 27, 2019 4:42 AM

Feb 2010
Did you mean to say 'What anime makes you most butthurt when people don't like it/criticize it?'

That's what it sounds like to me.

Personally I think any kind of 'hatedom' is just obnoxious and toxic except Shigatsu and Kabaneri, but categorizing any criticism pr people expressing their dislike as just 'hatedom' is equally as obnoxious.
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 27, 2019 4:44 AM

Oct 2017
Pullman said:
Did you mean to say 'What anime makes you most butthurt when people don't like it/criticize it?'

As I would care about SAO hate fandom. But it's worth mentioning that the constant hate makes people hate Sword Art for the sake of hating it and seeking to validate themselves, not for the actual weak points of the series.
"What a Player, what a Champion here at Wimbledon, the first man to win 8 Championships."
Andrew Castle on Roger Federer winning his 19th Grand Slam title.
Feb 27, 2019 4:59 AM

Jul 2016
Hate fandom is the greatest discovery of the weebs in the internet. They circle jerking their subjective opinion. Nothing new, its part of the popularity.

Feb 27, 2019 5:05 AM

Oct 2018
There is no other show that people hate as much as SAO, it’s that simple, Darling in the Franxx might be close, but people agree that only the last 8 episodes are what people hate.
Feb 27, 2019 5:07 AM
Dec 2018
The "I hate anime because it's a filthy hentaiporn thing" Club.
or "I hate that anime because the MC are....." Club
or "I hate anime because im a proper christian" Club
or "Is that just a cartoon for kids?" Club
or " Anime is gay" Club
Feb 27, 2019 6:03 AM

Dec 2017
Its not just SAO, fairy tail is also a part of that shit

"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost."

Feb 27, 2019 7:06 AM

May 2018
Lately I got hits from unexpected fanbases which are now very territorial...

So yeah, every fandom is toxic.
Feb 27, 2019 7:13 AM
May 2016
My hero Academia, attack on titan, one punch man, mob psycho 100, fate, gintana

All have stupid/idiot fanbase
Which explans why their so popular
Feb 27, 2019 7:23 AM

Oct 2017
Nerdanimefan1992 said:
My hero Academia, attack on titan, one punch man, mob psycho 100, fate, gintana

All have stupid/idiot fanbase
Which explans why their so popular

The thread was about who has the worst HATE fandom, not who has the worst fandom.
"What a Player, what a Champion here at Wimbledon, the first man to win 8 Championships."
Andrew Castle on Roger Federer winning his 19th Grand Slam title.
Feb 27, 2019 7:51 AM

Oct 2018
People love to hate.
At the end of the day all that really matters are your opinions on the show. Some people get carried away with those opinions and decide to shove them in the faces of others.
Feb 27, 2019 7:54 AM

Jul 2017
tlato_but said:

Basically the worst hate fandom that I can think is Sword Art Online, and I guess it's not even a discussion, not even the Darling in the Franxx hate fandom gets close to it.
SAO is one of your favourites anime. coincidence?
Feb 27, 2019 8:16 AM

Aug 2013
Yeah, saying "SAO" would just end the discussion, so let's look elsewhere.

I'd say the Kimi no Na wa, and overall Makoto Shinkai hate train. I'm not a big fan of his movies and thought Your Name was ok, but some people who dislike him talk as if it's the worst thing ever, which mostly sounds just like a reaction to the overhype (and its position at MAL rank) rather than actual criticism.

Also, one that doesn't come to hate but it's pretty annoying are the people who criticise Slice of Life (or worse, watch a whole SoL anime and then shit on it) because "nothing happens" (which usually just means it's slow). It's like criticising a CGDCT show because it has cgdct.
Feb 27, 2019 9:40 AM

May 2018
For me it's Fairy Tail and Tokyo Ghoul
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Feb 27, 2019 9:55 AM

Aug 2013
ASaid99 said:

Most people love Your Name, the haters are mostly irrelevant lol.

Also not all slice of life have "nothing happening" in it. For example Hyouka has mystery or SoraYori has adventure. I guess normal kids doing normal shit would get boring for a lot of people. 🤷‍♂️

Yeah, it's not very usual but I always see very harsh criticism towards it, most of it pretty senseless.

Also, one of the most frequent criticisms I've seen towards Hyouka is that nothing happens, so...yeah. Once I even engaged in a discussion about that. I've heard the same thing about Mushishi as well, which has different stuff happening every episode. That's why I said people mistake "slow" for "nothing happening", and I believe it's a nonsensical criticism since I always see the same happening towards art-house films.
Feb 27, 2019 9:55 AM

Feb 2019
Idk i guess mob psycho in the sensé that opm fans dont really care for it and a lot of people are mad that its praised and mahou shoujo site which i had definetly some problems with but nothing too severe.
Feb 27, 2019 9:59 AM

Oct 2017
Zehennagel said:
tlato_but said:

Basically the worst hate fandom that I can think is Sword Art Online, and I guess it's not even a discussion, not even the Darling in the Franxx hate fandom gets close to it.
SAO is one of your favourites anime. coincidence?

I have mostly positive experiences with Sword Art, but for me Ordinal Scale is the best thing from SAO that I have finished. I'm yet to give a rating to SAO Alicization.

I didn't the thread specifically for SAO, actually, because it's almost universally agreed that Swort Art Online has the worst hate fandom. I have ulterior moves, and SAO is not one of them.
"What a Player, what a Champion here at Wimbledon, the first man to win 8 Championships."
Andrew Castle on Roger Federer winning his 19th Grand Slam title.
Feb 27, 2019 10:00 AM

Jul 2013
The ecchi/harem/moe hate comes to mind. People judge it for what it is rather than looking at the execution.
Feb 27, 2019 10:17 AM

Jul 2013
ASaid99 said:
JustMonaka said:
The ecchi/harem/moe hate comes to mind. People judge it for what it is rather than looking at its execution.

I mean if I don't like harems, why would I care how it's handled lol? If its the whole genre that I dislike, good harems and bad harems would literally be the same to me, and they would all be bad 🤷‍♂️

^ This right here is what I'm talking about.

It's fine to dislike the genre, but to lump everything that has harem element together as equally trash without even looking at its quality is close-minded if you ask me. One anime can be less terrible than the other even if you dislike its genre.
Feb 27, 2019 10:17 AM

Apr 2016
You mean hatedoms ? Every single one of them is bad. The fact that they devote so much time hating on a genre or series is just baffling. I mean, you don't have to be positive about everything and you can always express yourself, but most hatedoms tend to shove their opinion down everyones throats and want them to know how much they hate X thing.

I guess maybe I just don't get why would anyone would spend a huge amount of time talking about something they hate, when they can focus on something they love or maybe find something new to watch.
Feb 27, 2019 10:20 AM

Apr 2017
SAO ofc. As you said, one of the most hated anime. "It has plotholes/The MC is edgy af/Is cringy" the usual shitty reasons for hate that work.

Is so sad to see a decent anime that always get better being hated because "the internet say that is trash so...". And the funny thing is that lots of people doesn't even admit that the last season is something mf epic. I mean, at least, we should acknowledge that the anime itself is something really well-done. I haven't even once heard "Oh god the animation of the new season of SAO is fucking good"... Seriously, why so much hate for that poor anime?
Reki didn't even plan a sequel to the first volume of the novel... SAO in original should be ended with Kirito that wakes up from the game and go to search Asuna... Silica and Elizabeth are introduced in the second novel that is about other stories in Aincrad. Reki didn't planned a sequel so ofc the writing started to get really bad. But he then wrote Alicization that is hands down well written.
Reki is kinda justified for the bad writing on Fairy Dance and GGO, why should people always deny this anime? Honestly I really can't understand why is so hated. Plotholes, edgy MC, bad writing... there are lots of anime that has them.
I can understand that people can have different opinions but when you ask "why do you hate SAO" they will always say the same fucking things that all the hate fandom says. Just have your opinion dude, do not follow always what other people say.
And Im not even talking from someone who didn't "participated" in the hate of SAO because I was one of the "hate fandom" too. But then I just realized that I always liked it and I was just being an idiot.

So yeah, for me SAO hate fandom is the worst one. Good topic btw, I think that we shouldn't just say "Oh boy watch the *Insert normie anime here* Fandom, it's so cringy!" but also recognize that there are other type of fandom.

anyway not native so forgive my badd engllisch.
AoishiFeb 27, 2019 10:24 AM
Feb 27, 2019 10:22 AM

Jun 2017
While SAO being in the list is obvious, I have seen a lot of people hating on school days. In fact, the hatedom is bigger than the fandom. I haven't seen it myself yet. So it is a neutral judgement.
Feb 27, 2019 10:49 AM
Oct 2018
My Hero Academia has a terrible hate fandom...
"The shows super overrated"
"The fanbase is trash"

I've seen a decent amount of non-shonen anime too but I still think it's one of the best shonens of all time and in no way overrated, people genuinely just hate on this show because it's popular. S4 might shut 'em up tho ;)
Feb 27, 2019 11:22 AM

May 2009
SAO is the only show whose hatedom is itself a currently-active meme (i.e. people are hating on it just because hating on it is a thing, rather than an opinion they actually have). @Chrome_Falcon points out that School Days has a similar status but it's less currently active. FWIW, the isekai hatedom and the SAO hatedom also sorta feed off each other, and the isekai fad has probably kept the SAO hatedom alive too.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Feb 27, 2019 12:29 PM

Sep 2014
What about the Isekai hate circlejerk in general?
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Feb 27, 2019 12:34 PM
May 2017
I relish in the hate fandom Fairy Tail has. The show deserves it. SAO not as much anymore. Kawahara got better over time, with Alcilization and with Progressive. Mashima is still braindead.
Feb 27, 2019 12:40 PM
Aug 2014
I only read the first 10 words and thought "probably SAO".

It's not even a discussion anymore, the reviews on each SAO series and the people that promote them are literal circlejerking brainlets incapable of thesis/antithesis/synthesis structured arguments. Those usually degenerate into "HAHA LOL Kirito OP BAD XD".
Feb 27, 2019 12:53 PM

Jul 2007
Also, Magical Girl Site gets way too much hate considering it was the best anime of 2018.
"There's a huge difference between one and infinity.
However, compared to the difference between
existence and non-existence, one and infinite are
nearly the same. I am the child destined to become
the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!"
-Maria Ushiromiya

Feb 27, 2019 3:44 PM

Jul 2014
Yep, I'd agree with SAO. The fandom is very easy to please, that's for sure.

Naruto at second I guess.
Feb 27, 2019 3:49 PM

Oct 2013
Most prominent are SAO and that particular hate for isekai. But every hatedom is obnoxious and high degree cancerous, playing attention to it can dampen the whole anime watching experience. So I try to focused on the positive side of things.
Feb 28, 2019 3:15 AM

Jun 2017
SAO is shit lol.

But I can't understand Fairy Tail hate fandom
Feb 28, 2019 6:00 AM

Jul 2013
Pretty much. The harem hatedom. I mean ppl can't criticize any harem show without going, "generic harem trash". Like I get Harem is not the best genre but why this one specifically gets hate is beyond me.

Feb 28, 2019 1:31 PM

Jul 2007
Sword Art Online (the first season) isn't even that bad lol. Definitely not one of my favorites but I thought it had a few heart warming moments.
"There's a huge difference between one and infinity.
However, compared to the difference between
existence and non-existence, one and infinite are
nearly the same. I am the child destined to become
the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!"
-Maria Ushiromiya

Feb 28, 2019 1:46 PM

Sep 2016

SAO hatedom may be the largest in number but it isn't the worst.
Neon Genesis Evangelion hatedom is smaller in number but a lot worse instead, perhaps the worst.

Edit: Forgot Code Geass hatedom, it keeps up with the one from NGE.

ZarutakuFeb 28, 2019 2:33 PM
Feb 28, 2019 9:33 PM
Dec 2018
I'll drop one.

Colony Drop.

In fact, go to any anime blogger who like to say they have "taste" and "don't like loli". Biggest bunch of monkeys howling about they can't get any ever.
Feb 28, 2019 9:47 PM

Jul 2016
SAO and ecchi harem are easy choices.

Feb 28, 2019 9:58 PM
Jan 2012
That's like figuring out which of the dogs that are eating you alive is the most rabid. There's too many, it's hard to figure out which is really the worst.

Also, even if some "hatedoms" might be incredibly popular, some are more deserved than others, so it makes it harder to judge, plus how much are actively hating on something should be noted. The people that hate on SAO is certainly numerous, but Bunny Girl Senpai is a lot newer so you'll see more people bashing it than SAO at the moment.
Feb 28, 2019 10:00 PM

Dec 2018
I honestly haven’t seen that much hate for SaO, but then again I haven’t seen SaO so I guess I wouldn’t be involved in discussions in which hate for it takes place.

-I think the “battle shounens are childish and generic” hate group is laughable considering naruto and one piece have writing that is incredibly deeper than most anime you see people with “refined taste” praising. Assuming you can make it through the filler and slow pacing to see the plot play out that is.

-Within the naruto fandom is a “Sakura is useless trash” hate fandom, and while I share their negative view of the character, they’re typically pretty obnoxious and rude about expressing it.

-I don’t see a lot of people who hate Gintama but when I do they’re usually shit talking Gintama fans and saying they all make fake MAL accounts to boost its score, which is also pretty laughable. (Don’t get me wrong I’m sure some people do, but not on a big enough scale to make an impact.)

-the “isekis are trash” group is pretty obnoxious.

-lolicon haters, myself being one, can be fairly toxic, but its really hard to be polite to an adult who openly sexualizes little kids, animated or not that shits wack.

ROCK-IT-ON said:
I'll drop one.

Colony Drop.

In fact, go to any anime blogger who like to say they have "taste" and "don't like loli". Biggest bunch of monkeys howling about they can't get any ever.

I mean I agree people who think their taste is more refined or somehow superior to other peoples taste is annoying, and I’m assuming bloggers in general aren’t the most sociable bunch, but there’s plenty of reasons to hate lolis mate >.>
Lolicons are scum.
BABYMETAL is more metal than Metallica.
Naruto is objectively the best anime ever.
HxH 99' is decent. HxH 11' is bad.
Feb 28, 2019 11:05 PM
Sep 2015
tlato_but said:
There were debates of which anime has the best fandom, or the worst fandom. But I have never seen a debate of which anime has the worst hate fandom.

Basically the worst hate fandom that I can think is Sword Art Online, and I guess it's not even a discussion, not even the Darling in the Franxx hate fandom gets close to it.

I agree. I understand that SAO has its weaknesses but many people I know hate it just to hate it and won't even give it a chance. SAO is really popular and I guess it was also a bit over-hyped so there are almost as many people, who dislike the show, as there are those, who enjoy it. But the hate fandom is oftentimes slightly unreasonable in explaining why they actually dislike the anime.
Feb 28, 2019 11:12 PM

Apr 2011
Shippers. They're the worst hatedoms. For which series, you ask? All of them.

P.S. I'm talking about the rabid shippers. The ones that get their pitchforks out when their ships don't happen. The ones that spew vitriolic hatred at any perceived "rival" that "threatens" their ship.
Mar 1, 2019 12:12 AM

Mar 2012
Nowadays, I'd agree with SAO, but I don't think anything compares to the Naruto hatedom of the 00's.
Feb 27, 2021 6:53 AM

Sep 2020
mha and demon slayer,no questions asked,their argument is very narrow and vapid.
Feb 27, 2021 6:56 AM

Feb 2019
Definitely sao and fairy tail has worst hatedoms
Feb 27, 2021 7:08 AM
Feb 2021
I have seen more people hating black clover than liking it

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