Finding Japan’s Deadliest Dish: A full documentary
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
In Japan, food isn’t just about taste-it’s about adventure. From poisonous fugu and venomous sea snakes to stinging hornets and vending machines stocked with the unexpected, we’re exploring the country’s obsession with turning danger into delicacy. Meet the chefs, farmers, and hunters who risk it all to bring these extreme foods to the table.
I always enjoyed learning about new things. Then I stumbled across your channel a few weeks ago and it is a gold mine! You produce such high quality content! You are a good moderator and approach all people with respect.
Just wanted to leave a genuine "thank you" for uploading these long and well researched videos!
I completely agree. I'm so glad I came across this channel. Andrew is fantastic. He gives Australian Louis Theroux or David Attenborough talent level vibes.
I have literally always wanted to know if fugu was worth the alleged risk! Super interesting video, so glad I found your channel!!
- *Wait,* most countries that cook this, eat the skin (without slime of course), it is deep fried for crispy fish chips. You should try next time. 6:37
This is one of the best channels. ❤
- *I love this mans videos.* Who else?
👇🏽 👇🏽
I love your channel. Keep up the good work.
Super pi interesting. Thank you Andrew you rock.
The translator you have in the beginning is gorgeous!
Thank you for not using AI generated thumbnails anymore!! I love your channel and I really enjoy watching your shows!!
this thumbnail is clearly AI
@@thomaswohlmuth7363 they changed it to an ai one
Whats wrong with ai thumbnails
@@thomaswohlmuth7363 lol yes. I meant it’s NOT as AI as a few months ago..
good work thanks for the effort
I loved your channel.
Bloody legend love the channel
Hello first time watcher really enjoyed your upload Love Japan and good lastname as well my grandpa was a Fraser
My daughter loves watching your RUclips videos from Kenya
I love this channel.
Great work mate. Can I ask what brand your backpack is please? Cheers 🇦🇺 ✌️
@@luke9911 Nomatic McKinnon 35L. I’ve beat the hell out of this thing, and it holds up, though a few of the zipper pulls have given way. Still, it’s a solid crossover pack-the best I’ve come across anyway.
@ appreciate the response! Thank you.
Maybe this all started with “Come on try this, let’s see what happens”
No Diddy
that snake catcher is unbelievable thumbs up
Fraser needs a gimmick. Like a red bandana.
73 years old and catching snakes like that!! At 73 years old the average American is basically dead already. And then 90 year old lady running the restaurant, their health is on another level
Where do I get those hooks👀
You are awesome 🎉
Do Not Rub Chopsticks Together. While many believe it is appropriate to rub chopsticks together to eliminate splinters, it is actually a rude gesture and seen as an insult. By rubbing chopsticks together, it implied that they are cheap. Even if you are eating in an inexpensive eatery, do not rub the chopsticks together
Came here to say this…
@@NeilEvans1980 You bet Look into it
Hi, Andrew. At 03:09 it sounds like you say "centurions" while I believe you meant to say "centenarians". One is a Roman officer in charge of 100 soldiers while the other is a person over 100 years of age.
“Pugnant” … pungent.
How do they eat it!!!?
No thrill no price.
Have you tried HABU SAKE 🐍?
No way would I eat that fish 🤮
I've had puffer fish in my fish tanks before and they are not kind to other fish at all . They were so cute but I ended up getting rid of them for tearing up my Oscar's. Mean little buggers. I didn't regret getting rid of them at all
*What a clickbait. Most of these, especially the fish; its being farmed without poisons and can be eaten safely.*
Monkfish oder bei uns Seeteufel genannt ist super geil
Out of all possible things to eat in the world, vegetables to animals, lets go eat a deadly fish. Who was the first japanese person to figure out how to prepare it properly? Someone had to die eating it.
Who has the time to watch a 2 hr vlog,
55k people had time 😅
didn't you already disprove puffer fish are deadly
chill bro, if u are afraid dont eat it
So sad. In fish tanks they are the sweetest fish. Except they eat all your other fish. That's the bad part.
U are a real Fraser ...............hahaaaaaaaaaaaa
Andy is an Ausdralian dandy !
Is he, in fact, australien???
you know you can edit out the lip smacking and chewing noises right?
Why would people even want to eat them. How dumb is that?
Thank you for your incredible work! God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ, who is the name above all names & the only way to Heaven❤
People aren't very smart when it comes to food infact they are stupid but it's your life.
clickbait with ai unsubscribed
Meh another compilation video 🙄