Paris Hilton's Art Auction & Dinner | Paris Hilton

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • I have known Sasha for a few years now & have always been so proud to help her & her cause.
    From the day she was born, Sasha has been living with Cerebral Palsy and Seizure Disorder, and Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) has been a second home to her. Sasha is channeling her creativity to raise funds and awareness for art therapy programs at CHLA, and is on a mission to help thousands of kids like her. Proceeds from The Sasha Project LA are donated to CHLA s art therapy programs, programs that have helped Sasha heal through art. On every piece of denim Sasha paints, there are three hearts that represent "healing through art."
    Donate at to donate to The Sasha Project LA & stand a chance to win a roundtrip flight to LA for you & a guest to have lunch at one of my favorite restaurants in LA with me!
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    About Paris Hilton:
    Entrepreneur. CEO. New York Times best-selling author. Activist. Designer. Actress. Model. Influencer. DJ. Recording Artist. Mother. Icon. Synonymous with pop culture, Paris Hilton needs no introduction.
    In her latest chapter, Hilton is making an iconic return to the recording studio with her sophomore album, "Infinite Icon" executive produced by Sia and set to be released on September 6th, 2024. An autobiographical record, "Infinite Icon" shares Hilton s full story, from pop high priestess to media maven to mother.
    Hilton is no stranger to the top of the music charts. Her 2006 debut album s first single, Stars are Blind, peaked at number six on the Billboard 200 and has accrued over 130M streams. Between 2013 and 2023, Hilton collaborated with legendary musicians such as Lil Wayne, Steve Aoki and Kim Petras.
    Hilton is indisputably one of the most successful self-made entrepreneurs of her generation. Whether you know her from her early days as the founding star of reality television, her iconic taglines, her fragrances, her New York Times best-selling memoir, or her activism, chances are you have been inspired and influenced by her. As Hilton famously says: Life is too short to blend in.
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    Paris Hilton's Art Auction & Dinner | Paris Hilton
    • Paris Hilton's Art Auc...
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Комментарии • 683

  • @jerseyfashionistatv
    @jerseyfashionistatv 4 года назад +605

    I love that she ordered things from Etsy and supported small business owners

  • @Lovebirdd
    @Lovebirdd 4 года назад +489

    I'm so glad there's no annoying basic music behind Paris when she's talking. It's almost like an ASMR video but not at the same time and I love it.

  • @TinkerSizzleXD
    @TinkerSizzleXD 4 года назад +121

    Paris is single handily keeping Etsy shops alive.

  • @josephkelley8641
    @josephkelley8641 4 года назад +352

    Paris puts a lot of work, time and effort into whatever it is.
    "There are no accidents."

    • @peabisms
      @peabisms 4 года назад +15

      Yes yes shes a very articulate person, u can tell thats why her life is exactly her vision and her aesthetic.

    • @starluckwish923
      @starluckwish923 4 года назад

      Just ❤️💪

  • @andrewalatorre3464
    @andrewalatorre3464 4 года назад +216

    Onch : “This one’s sold out” Paris : “Oh, it is?” Icon 10:03

  • @judemelroses9920
    @judemelroses9920 4 года назад +286

    What a selfless act of kindness for PH to write Onch's Immigration recommendation letter. Huge blessing's✨💓✨

  • @joantrigilio9990
    @joantrigilio9990 4 года назад +83

    Years ago, on a silly TV show, I saw Paris save a fly from drowning in a glass of water. She retrieved the insect and said, "live another day, little fly." To me, that speaks volumes about compassion in action.

    • @joantrigilio9990
      @joantrigilio9990 4 года назад +3

      It was years ago and I don't remember what the show was. Paris was sitting in a restaurant with someone and she saved a fly from drowning in her water glass. Nice kid.

    • @ryveralexander8511
      @ryveralexander8511 3 года назад +1

      And jealous haters just can't wait to bash her!
      Planting and Harvesting their own toxic!

  • @liaguzman2674
    @liaguzman2674 4 года назад +73

    Ok idk why I can't get over how sweet she was thanking her driver.

  • @bonnpoop1822
    @bonnpoop1822 4 года назад +342

    12:43 Paris voice just sounds so different here and it goes down to normal Paris XD

    • @Ninjakitty-sr7se
      @Ninjakitty-sr7se 4 года назад +42

      It's her boss voice and I love it :)

    • @ryanjstannard
      @ryanjstannard 4 года назад +25

      She sounds like back when she was on the simple life.

    • @auggie48
      @auggie48 4 года назад +14

      actually the voice is kinda hot tho...

    • @tajt6112
      @tajt6112 4 года назад +9

      i was shook

    • @Amanda---
      @Amanda--- 4 года назад +12

      @@tajt6112 lol bcz of the baby voice? or the switch to her deep voice..
      Her deep voice is actually normal Paris and the baby voice was part of the character she created for the simple life.I like her deep voice.

  • @lambsquad_9047
    @lambsquad_9047 4 года назад +11

    Bless her. She's still young at heart.

  • @anjalichhetri418
    @anjalichhetri418 4 года назад +29

    Paris is one sweet personality.... There's a childlike aspect to her which I admire a lot👍👍👍

  • @CatrinaRawSpirit
    @CatrinaRawSpirit 4 года назад +133

    I was so afraid it would end up tacky looking. It turned out so beautiful and epic! Loves it! 💜

  • @soyfloral
    @soyfloral 4 года назад +39

    I didn't knew I needed a giant photo of Paris wearing Juicy Couture in my house until now.
    Loves it.

    • @bleuprint7305
      @bleuprint7305 4 года назад +1

      I wanna rebuy it from whoever won the auction

  • @boorom
    @boorom 4 года назад +19

    Paris's voice is so stable and relaxing to listen to. She should do a bed time podcast.

  • @jonahgreen2839
    @jonahgreen2839 4 года назад +13

    I love how relaxed she is talking with him. You can really see who Paris is here.

  • @KatherineRoseArt
    @KatherineRoseArt 4 года назад +205

    When I was in college, I was in an art show, and some dude won the art show first place with a painting of Paris's face on a folding chair. I'll always remember that. Wish youtube would let me post a pic of it. lmao

  • @sosskincareconcept
    @sosskincareconcept 4 года назад +110

    🤩🤩🤩 that T-shirt 🤩 exactly “who doesn’t love butterflies 🦋”

    • @tawory1
      @tawory1 4 года назад

      I de-winged, de-antennaed and de-legged too many as a preteen. They are scary looking, under a magnifier though.

    • @tawory1
      @tawory1 4 года назад

      "...excuse me...turn around again"....
      "C.R.E.A.M...get the money.."

    • @yogaonlineclasses8445
      @yogaonlineclasses8445 4 года назад

      Nud yoga plzz contct me

  • @Audreylin29
    @Audreylin29 4 года назад +50

    Paris has such a big heart! And is such a perfect celebrity. Love her!!

  • @itslaila1826
    @itslaila1826 4 года назад +109

    In the beginning of the video I didn’t see her vision but I felt the vibe and I love the outcome

    • @JessicaMayMay40
      @JessicaMayMay40 4 года назад +6

      Yes! I was like... oh no she’s not gonna use all that? Her mind is amazing!!

  • @gizzykatkat9687
    @gizzykatkat9687 4 года назад +13

    Paris, that piece you created IS SO BEAUTIFUL I love it so much! You are really a international treasure to us all, an inspiration and someone who spreads joy, fabulousness and love! You are THE BEST! Loves it!

  • @princeneko9103
    @princeneko9103 4 года назад +17

    Why is Paris such an icon and a mood? Also her voice is amazing

  • @kelb6073
    @kelb6073 4 года назад +12

    I love how she's had the same friends for years.

  • @esmeraldaortiz8593
    @esmeraldaortiz8593 4 года назад +58

    I actually really love it it’s like a Aesthetic canvas of Paris ❤️😌

  • @RaeLlorente
    @RaeLlorente 4 года назад +74

    I am sliving for this! Charity work is hot :D

  • @laurbr9567
    @laurbr9567 4 года назад +43

    She's such a great friend and role model 😍

  • @RickieWestwood
    @RickieWestwood 4 года назад +11

    We are so lucky to have an icon like Paris, full of love, kindness and humble. I hope to meet you one day Paris it would be epic x

  • @LoLyse
    @LoLyse 4 года назад +4

    This woman literally gives her entire life force and energy to the masses. I hope she is taking care of herself

  • @akioaslan
    @akioaslan 4 года назад +159

    She does ALL she do and even does art?!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus Christ, anyone is on her level

    • @mpclive5693
      @mpclive5693 4 года назад +2

      Any nurse.....

    • @user-fd3ip5ff6z
      @user-fd3ip5ff6z 4 года назад +10

      I prefer Paris than kim Kardashian

    • @DarkKittycat
      @DarkKittycat 4 года назад +2

      its just a picture you do realize?

    • @tomjones9519
      @tomjones9519 4 года назад

      @Deer Doll Thats not art, and you are dumb.

    • @tomjones9519
      @tomjones9519 4 года назад

      @Deer Doll you like stupid shit art. lolz

  • @sl9391
    @sl9391 4 года назад +14

    So many peope have said these things about Paris! She must be such a genuine person.

  • @rendalee6168
    @rendalee6168 3 года назад +3

    Paris I had no idea you were so talented with visual Art. Absolutely Beautiful.

  • @itsPapig
    @itsPapig 4 года назад +35

    🌈💞This is why I love Paris! 😍She shines from the inside out! Period 💋💯

  • @Sheyanne_lyn
    @Sheyanne_lyn 4 года назад +5

    I loved seeing the real side of Paris!!! The creative side! Her real voice side! Everything!

  • @christinecanzano2498
    @christinecanzano2498 4 года назад +7


  • @brookem.6006
    @brookem.6006 4 года назад +10

    She’s a ICON

  • @sleepynori8819
    @sleepynori8819 4 года назад +16

    Paris should rlly host a craft stream! That would be so fun. Itll be like a little sleepover with friends!

  • @aliazaluor2620
    @aliazaluor2620 4 года назад +19

    We love an artistic charity queen!! 💕💕💕

  • @julianashavers2958
    @julianashavers2958 4 года назад +50

    She is so adorable like I can just imagine her in like an all pink juicy couture tracksuit on her couch cutting out little pieces of pictures she likes from magazines🥺 like she is so cute name anther celebrity that is this adorable and talented

  • @IzzyOnTheMove
    @IzzyOnTheMove Год назад +2

    Omg Onch, i'm so happy you were able to stay in the US and make more art 🧡

  • @daveoleary91
    @daveoleary91 4 года назад +12

    Paris has the best voice in the world, her videos give me serious ASMR

  • @vilmaparilla8786
    @vilmaparilla8786 3 года назад

    I am binge watching your vlogs Paris. You inspire me in a lot of ways. You are a very nice lady. I admire how you treat people around you. Remembering even to say thank you to the driver.

  • @JessicaMayMay40
    @JessicaMayMay40 4 года назад +5

    Omg! Where has she been all my life? I can’t get enough of this woman! I’m so glad she’s posting regularly on RUclips.
    My favorite icon! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼💕💕💕

  • @ninakubova6304
    @ninakubova6304 4 года назад +2

    Such a kind woman,Paris we love you❤

  • @tisokococo
    @tisokococo 4 года назад +5

    “Been spending the entire weekend cutting these out” omg bless you
    Paris makes me feel better about loving collages and incorporating things that make me happy in my art

  • @samibear3243
    @samibear3243 4 года назад +13

    Paris Hilton is soo beautiful! She looks amazing!

  • @tanyat6415
    @tanyat6415 4 года назад +11

    Love the collaboration between Onch and Paris! ❤️ “ creative people do not see things merely for what they are, they see them for what they can be!”

  • @kheyeelim6410
    @kheyeelim6410 4 года назад +1

    We need more ONCH and PARIS COLLABS!!!!! I LOVE seeing the MAGIC they create together!!!! I never realised what a down to earth and genuinely kind person Paris is despite her fame and wealth!! Rooting for this friendship till the end of time!!!

  • @IzzyOnTheMove
    @IzzyOnTheMove Год назад +2

    Oh my, this is so inspiring. I make my own postcards but now i want to try to do some of that mixed media collage art as well. It's so cool 💜

  • @carriel1371
    @carriel1371 4 года назад +5

    Doing arts is a not only pushing the creative mind but also a kind of meditation! 🤩🤩

  • @donationnonstop1016
    @donationnonstop1016 4 года назад +83

    You know she's rich when she doesn't put ads on her RUclips channel.

    • @mmymmy315
      @mmymmy315 4 года назад +10

      What do you mean? I got two ads 🙃

    • @COCO-000
      @COCO-000 4 года назад +3

      The yellow dots on the red and white bar thingy are ads🙂

    • @sam245100
      @sam245100 4 года назад +5

      do u have youtube red and dont even know it lmao

    • @COCO-000
      @COCO-000 4 года назад

      @@sam245100 no 😂 im talking about the small line that you can see how far you are in the video

  • @zee-ln3ss
    @zee-ln3ss 4 года назад +2

    I remember watching Paris Hilton’s my new best friend 😭 how time flies!!! Love Paris 💕

  • @taytayy49
    @taytayy49 3 года назад

    Omg your nieces and nephews are so lucky to have you as their auntie. My little girls would go crazy with all the fun stuff you have at your place. I love how you stay young at ❤

  • @YouHaveAPurposeStickAround
    @YouHaveAPurposeStickAround 4 года назад +1

    What a beautiful soul. I love these Paris art videos. Plz do more after you get done saving the world 💕

  • @roxnellysalvarado3589
    @roxnellysalvarado3589 4 года назад +1

    Beautiful Paris. You are sooo talent.

  • @marthasalazar7280
    @marthasalazar7280 4 года назад +1

    Me encanto como decoraste tu fotografía me encantan las mariposas!!! Y mucha de las cosas que te gustan.

  • @disabledcamperhardnocks8068
    @disabledcamperhardnocks8068 4 года назад +1

    Wow, Paris this shows a glimpse how talented you are. You're the best.

  • @Amanda---
    @Amanda--- 4 года назад +1

    Paris has always been so kind and thankful. I love her mask.

  • @PhilipR0ss
    @PhilipR0ss 4 года назад +26

    Had no idea Paris was so creative, more art content please! 😍

  • @elizabethpadilla6802
    @elizabethpadilla6802 4 года назад +2

    It’s so beautiful!!!!!! Love all the sparkles and glitter!

  • @stephaniewilson2036
    @stephaniewilson2036 3 года назад

    WOW!!! I love how that came together!! So colorful and happy!!

  • @bonnieson4989
    @bonnieson4989 4 года назад +6

    Paris should have her own doll! Would sell more than Barbie!! Very down to earth person doesn't seem to be snobby. She has lots of friends, no matter their race or sexual orientation. She will definitely leave a legacy! 🤩🤩🤩🤩

  • @agatafranciszka5702
    @agatafranciszka5702 4 года назад +3

    Literally a real angel on Earth. Love you so much girlie 💖😇💖😇

  • @jasonp2186
    @jasonp2186 4 года назад +21

    And thank u for being such a great example of style class and having the true confidence to make my heart ❤️ always thank the heavens for ur mother & fathers art Queen 👸 I adore. Because of ur child like heart ❤️ that’s hottest!!

  • @Anna-jr8gu
    @Anna-jr8gu 4 года назад +1

    All that stuff is adorable!

  • @reverandgreen5801
    @reverandgreen5801 4 года назад +1

    I love it and I hope Paris keeps making these pieces!

  • @itsmeashleyb
    @itsmeashleyb 4 года назад

    I love ALL art you make! Such a unique vibe to them all....colorful...vibrant....random....expressive...cute & classy! Love it.

  • @luzbc03
    @luzbc03 3 года назад

    Congratulations to Both of you🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🌻🌻🌻

  • @kauigirl808
    @kauigirl808 4 года назад +14

    P A R I S 🌟H I L T O N🌟 is so much fun!!! 🤩🎉🌟💖🥰💟🍭❣

  • @anginyopongatefrance8101
    @anginyopongatefrance8101 4 года назад

    Wow 13years of friendship and counting...💛🧡💚👏🥰💎 wish you a lifetime of togetherness...

  • @dubitataugustinus
    @dubitataugustinus 4 года назад +2

    This might be my favorite video in the channel so far. I would love to see more videos of Paris creating new works of art!

  • @tdog3753
    @tdog3753 4 года назад +3

    This is so fun Paris, I love the fun 3d aspect of the portrait! Super cute

  • @mg3112
    @mg3112 4 года назад

    Paris will always be iconic! ❤️ so sweet and beautiful. A TRUE beauty.

  • @robinlagelius
    @robinlagelius 4 года назад

    Paris is so smart, and such a ray of sunshine ☀ 🌈 🦄 ♥️

  • @tonyflores1210
    @tonyflores1210 4 года назад +1

    Why can't all of us be that iconic

  • @khaleesipanda5959
    @khaleesipanda5959 4 года назад +1

    I just love the fact that Paris does normal human being activities 😊 I was never a fan of her when I was younger I always thought she was mean and snotty and all about herself but now that I'm older I would totally chill with Paris she seems like a down to earth diva lol love it

  • @joshmos
    @joshmos 4 года назад +3

    This is so pure! LOVE

  • @cleenegame
    @cleenegame 4 года назад +1

    Paris really slayed that portrait! Love it!

  • @jacobcastillo1790
    @jacobcastillo1790 4 года назад +21

    I love her real voice more than her baby voice

    • @alcl592
      @alcl592 4 года назад +1

      Not sure why she needs a fake voice ..

  • @hardcyd3r
    @hardcyd3r 4 года назад +1

    🌈Paris is so cute in this rainbow outfit. Loves it!🌈

  • @LexieeAceLove
    @LexieeAceLove 4 года назад

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the crochet sweater. I crochet so seeing the craft worn by people like you gives me more motivation to continue

  • @dr.hunnyking7150
    @dr.hunnyking7150 4 года назад

    Paris is the definition of cool.

  • @CaitliNsync
    @CaitliNsync 4 года назад +1

    Incredible work Paris! Thanks so much for helping Onch to live his dreams :)

  • @stephanied.8357
    @stephanied.8357 4 года назад +5

    That poster turned out really awesome! Loves it!🥰

  • @DM-ez4em
    @DM-ez4em 4 года назад

    She is just gorgeous!!!

  • @STICKYArt
    @STICKYArt 4 года назад

    You both were matching colors on tops!!! keep rocking it Paris!

  • @AllThingsRelevent
    @AllThingsRelevent 4 года назад

    Wow that’s so dope of her to write that letter and help him out. That’s the ultimate gift .

  • @khaleesipanda5959
    @khaleesipanda5959 4 года назад

    Paris put so much work into making her picture even more amazing!!

  • @JustinLRomero
    @JustinLRomero 4 года назад +2

    Such a Luminous Art Piece Paris! ...💙💫

  • @albertjohn815
    @albertjohn815 4 года назад

    Look at the art outstanding n beautiful..u know Paris always does n one of the coolest stylish n glamorous in celebrity

  • @karr1111
    @karr1111 4 года назад

    Love all your art Paris... You are so artistic....

  • @bodeleo21
    @bodeleo21 4 года назад +14

    she's so pretty I can't

    • @Laura-mi3nv
      @Laura-mi3nv 4 года назад

      She really does look great, better than ever. I'd love to know what all she does, from the skin care, sun screen to the procedures and surgeries. And if she's done procedures and surgeries (which, I think at nearly 40, procedures, at least, are likely), they are so well done. Plenty of rich people manage to screw up their faces. She's doing just enough....

  • @littlemermaj8512
    @littlemermaj8512 4 года назад +3

    I really love you Paris 💖 I love all the artsyyy things 😍 love ittt

  • @Kat.111
    @Kat.111 4 года назад +1

    I am so inspired by you Paris! Thank you for your amazing vibes Sliving 4rever!

  • @amelia-ef9dx
    @amelia-ef9dx 4 года назад

    🤗So colorful and the babies are adorable 😍. Paris, it's sweet all over.

  • @amandalewis2415
    @amandalewis2415 4 года назад

    Paris is so sweet. She always has been & I love that canvas. So dope

  • @zariballard
    @zariballard 4 года назад +13

    Paris is such a sweet person. I do believe that she is real...many people do not realize this. She is funny and kind and every little's girl's dream.

  • @laurenking1638
    @laurenking1638 4 года назад +1

    im so glad to here you and onch are still friend i remember watching you on the paris bff show when i was in high school feels like just yesterday!

  • @stephenowens9153
    @stephenowens9153 4 года назад

    Thank you for this video Paris. Thank you for keeping me company while I have dinner on my own at a Pub. You were absolutely beautiful in this video. I loved your hair and your smile.

  • @Wes-Tyler
    @Wes-Tyler 4 года назад +6

    Omg wtf that actually looks so cool!!

  • @mbpf85
    @mbpf85 4 года назад

    Wow! When i first glimpse of all the knickknacks she bought, i thought the end result will look gauche but Paris knock this piece out of the park! Such amazing creativity and the endless amount of work she had to do make this a priceless piece and all for a good cause. Wish both Paris and Onch have more future collabs as when both of them come together its sliving! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @ItzEnochYT
    @ItzEnochYT 4 года назад

    Paris is so nice and polite and kind