The Katsuragi 28 Shuku (Japanese: 葛城二十八宿, Hepburn: Katsuragi nijūhasshuku), or the Katsuragi 28 Shuku Kyōzuka, is a series of twenty-eight sutra mounds (経塚, kyōzuka) found mainly in the Kongō Range in the Kansai region of Japan. The majority of the sutra mounds lie within the Kongō-Ikoma-Kisen Quasi-National Park. According to legend, each of the sutra mounds corresponds to a chapter of the Lotus Sutra buried by En no Gyoja, the mythical 7th-century founder of Shugendō.[1][2][3]

List of sutra mounds


Note that for the following table of the sutra mounds, there are two potential sites for mounds 14 and 28, which are designated as 14A, 14B, 28A, and 28B, respectively.

No. Image Sutra mound[1] GSI map Google Maps Coordinates Lotus Sutra chapter[4]
1 Torajima, Tomogashima – Tomogashima Johon (友ヶ島 序品) GSI map Google Maps 34°17′34.4″N 135°1′38″E / 34.292889°N 135.02722°E / 34.292889; 135.02722 (1番 友ヶ島虎島) Introduction (序品)
2 Ruins of Jinpuku-ji (Ninoshuku Kannondo) – Hobenhon (神福寺跡(二之宿観音堂)方便品) GSI map Google Maps 34°16′18.4″N 135°6′40.5″E / 34.271778°N 135.111250°E / 34.271778; 135.111250 (2番 泉州神福寺) Skillful Means (方便品)
3 Mount Daifuku/Unzan – Hiyuhon (大福山 譬喩品/雲山峰 譬喩品) GSI map Google Maps 34°18′12.6″N 135°12′31″E / 34.303500°N 135.20861°E / 34.303500; 135.20861 (3番 紀州大福山) A Parable (譬喩品)
4 Sakura Jizo – Shingehon (さくら地蔵 信解品) GSI map Google Maps 34°18′46.1″N 135°16′14.9″E / 34.312806°N 135.270806°E / 34.312806; 135.270806 (4番 さくら地蔵) Willing Acceptance (信解品)
5 Mount Kuratani – Yakuso-yuhon (倉谷山 薬草喩品) GSI map Google Maps 34°18′31.7″N 135°20′33.7″E / 34.308806°N 135.342694°E / 34.308806; 135.342694 (5番 倉谷山) Herbs (薬草喩品)[5]
6 Shino-toge Pass – Jukihon (志野峠 授記品) GSI map Google Maps 34°18′15.8″N 135°23′6.7″E / 34.304389°N 135.385194°E / 34.304389; 135.385194 (6番 志野峠) Prediction (授記品)
7 Nakatsugawa – Kejo-yuhon (中津川 化城喩品) GSI map Google Maps 34°18′50.4″N 135°23′54.2″E / 34.314000°N 135.398389°E / 34.314000; 135.398389 (7番 中津川) The Apparitional City (化城喩品)
8   Inunakisan Shipporyu-ji Reishogatake – Gohyakudeshi-jukihon (犬鳴山七宝瀧寺鈴杵ヶ嶽 五百弟子受記品) GSI map Google Maps 34°20′6.7″N 135°23′10.3″E / 34.335194°N 135.386194°E / 34.335194; 135.386194 (8番 七宝瀧寺鈴杵ケ嶽) The 500 Disciples Receive Their Predictions (五百弟子受記品)
9   Mine no Ryu-o – Jugaku-mugaku-ninkihon (嶺の龍王 授学無学人記品]) GSI map Google Maps 34°20′53.1″N 135°26′4″E / 34.348083°N 135.43444°E / 34.348083; 135.43444 (9番 和泉葛城山八大竜王社(山頂)) The Predictions for Those Who Still Have More to Learn and for Those Who Do Not (授学無学人記品)
10 Dai-itoku-ji – Hosshihon (大威徳寺 法師品) GSI map Google Maps 34°22′17.4″N 135°26′55.3″E / 34.371500°N 135.448694°E / 34.371500; 135.448694 (10番 大威徳寺) The Expounder of the Dharma (法師品)
11 Nanakoshi-toge Pass Kyozukayama – Kenhotohon (七越峠経塚山 見宝塔品) GSI map Google Maps 34°21′12.7″N 135°28′24.1″E / 34.353528°N 135.473361°E / 34.353528; 135.473361 (11番 西の堂屋敷) The Appearance of a Jeweled Stupa (見宝塔品)
12   Goma no Tawa Hodome – Daiba-dattahon (護摩のたわ朴留 堤婆達多品) GSI map Google Maps 34°20′55.68″N 135°30′8.8″E / 34.3488000°N 135.502444°E / 34.3488000; 135.502444 (12番 東の燈明ヶ岳) Devadatta (堤婆品)
13   Mukai Tawa – Kanjihon (向い多和 勧持品) GSI map Google Maps 34°20′13.56″N 135°30′11.9″E / 34.3371000°N 135.503306°E / 34.3371000; 135.503306 Perseverance (勧持品)
14A   Kotakiji Temple Buttokutawa – Anrakugyohon (光瀧寺仏徳多和 安楽行品) GSI map Google Maps 34°22′10.92″N 135°31′4.4″E / 34.3697000°N 135.517889°E / 34.3697000; 135.517889 (14番 一本杉 仏徳多和) Ease in Practice (安楽行品)
14B   Mount Minami-Katsuragi Kagami no Shuku – Anrakugyohon (南葛城山鏡宿 安楽行品), at Ipponsugi Buttoku Tawa (一本杉 仏徳多和) GSI map Google Maps 34°21′27″N 135°32′25.5″E / 34.35750°N 135.540417°E / 34.35750; 135.540417 (14番 一本杉 仏徳多和) Ease in Practice (安楽行品)
15   Mount Iwawaki – Jujiyu-juppon (岩湧山 従地湧出品) GSI map Google Maps 34°22′54.62″N 135°33′19″E / 34.3818389°N 135.55528°E / 34.3818389; 135.55528 (15番 岩湧寺) Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth (従地湧出品)
16   Nagaredani Kongodoji – Nyorai-juryobon (流谷金剛童子 如来寿量品) GSI map Google Maps 34°23′37.18″N 135°34′53.6″E / 34.3936611°N 135.581556°E / 34.3936611; 135.581556 (16番 流谷金剛童子) The Lifespan of the Tathāgata (如来寿量品)
17   Amami Fudo – Funbetsu-kudokuhon (天見不動 分別功徳品) GSI map Google Maps 34°22′31.08″N 135°35′22.9″E / 34.3753000°N 135.589694°E / 34.3753000; 135.589694 (17番 天見不動) Description of Merits (分別功徳品)
18   Iwaze Kyozukayama – Zuiki-kudokuhon (岩瀬経塚山 随喜功徳品) / Sainokami Valley (賽ノ神谷) GSI map Google Maps 34°24′6.34″N 135°37′4.37″E / 34.4017611°N 135.6178806°E / 34.4017611; 135.6178806 (18番 岩瀬経塚山) The Merits of Joyful Acceptance (随喜功徳品)
19   Jinpukuyama – Hosshi-kudokuhon (ja:神福山 法師功徳品) GSI map Google Maps 34°23′19.32″N 135°39′30.13″E / 34.3887000°N 135.6583694°E / 34.3887000; 135.6583694 (19番 神福山) The Benefits Obtained by an Expounder of the Dharma (法師功徳品)
20   Ruins of Ishi-dera – Jofukyo Bosatsuhon (石寺跡 常不軽菩薩品) GSI map Google Maps 34°24′16.31″N 135°41′9.4″E / 34.4045306°N 135.685944°E / 34.4045306; 135.685944 (20番 石寺跡) Bodhisattva Sadāparibhūta (常不軽菩薩品)
21   Kongo-san – Nyorai-jinrikihon (金剛山 如来神力品) GSI map Google Maps 34°25′2.21″N 135°40′39″E / 34.4172806°N 135.67750°E / 34.4172806; 135.67750 (21番 金剛山湧出岳) The Transcendent Powers of the Tathāgata (如来神力品)
22 Mizukoshi-tawa – Zokuruihon (水越多和 嘱累品) GSI map Google Maps 34°26′10.32″N 135°41′45.6″E / 34.4362000°N 135.696000°E / 34.4362000; 135.696000 (22番 水越多和) Entrustment (嘱累品)
23 Kushira – Yakuo Bosatsu Honjihon (倶尸羅 薬王菩薩本事品) GSI map Google Maps 34°27′46.22″N 135°42′44″E / 34.4628389°N 135.71222°E / 34.4628389; 135.71222 (23番 倶尸羅) Ancient Accounts of Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja (薬王菩薩本事品)
24   Hiraishi-toge Pass – Myo-on Bosatsuhon (平石峠 妙音菩薩品) GSI map Google Maps 34°30′8.28″N 135°40′23.88″E / 34.5023000°N 135.6733000°E / 34.5023000; 135.6733000 (24番 平石峠) Bodhisattva Gadgadasvara (妙音菩薩品)
25   Koki-ji Temple Kogebata – Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumonhon (高貴寺香華畑 観世音菩薩普門品) GSI map Google Maps 34°29′57.84″N 135°39′52.2″E / 34.4994000°N 135.664500°E / 34.4994000; 135.664500 (25番 高貴寺香華畑) The Gateway to Every Direction (Manifested by Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara) (観世音菩薩普門品)
26   Mount Nijo – Daranihon (二上山 陀羅尼品]) GSI map Google Maps 34°31′32.52″N 135°40′41.16″E / 34.5257000°N 135.6781000°E / 34.5257000; 135.6781000 (26番 二上山) Dhāraṇī (陀羅尼品)
27 Ousaka – Myoshogon-no-honjihon (逢坂 妙荘厳王本事品) GSI map Google Maps 34°32′51.14″N 135°41′31″E / 34.5475389°N 135.69194°E / 34.5475389; 135.69194 (27番 逢坂) Ancient Accounts of King Śubhavyūha (妙荘厳王本事品)
28A Kameno-o-shuku – Fugen Bosatsu Kanbotsuhon (亀の尾宿 普賢菩薩勧発品) GSI map Google Maps 34°34′47.64″N 135°40′28.2″E / 34.5799000°N 135.674500°E / 34.5799000; 135.674500 (28番 亀の瀬) Encouragement of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (普賢菩薩勧発品)
28B Mount Myojin – Fugen Bosatsu Kanbotsuhon (明神山 普賢菩薩勧発品) GSI map Google Maps 34°34′26″N 135°40′33″E / 34.57389°N 135.67583°E / 34.57389; 135.67583 (28番 明神山) Encouragement of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra (普賢菩薩勧発品)

See also



  1. ^ a b 垂井俊憲 (2001). 犬鳴山修験道葛城二十八宿を巡る: 垂井俊憲写真集 (in Japanese). 東方出版. ISBN 9784885917028.
  2. ^ 宮家準 (2023). 修験道の経・講式・和讃・唱言 (in Japanese). 春秋社. pp. 193–198. ISBN 9784393291375.
  3. ^ Padoan, Tatsuma (2023). "Walking the Sutra". Approaching Pilgrimage. London: Routledge. p. 59–76. doi:10.4324/9781003137764-7. ISBN 978-1-003-13776-4.
  4. ^ Kubo, Tsugunari (2007). The Lotus Sutra. Translated by Yuyama, Akira. Berkeley, California: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research. ISBN 978-1-886439-39-9.
  5. ^ 二〇一九年度特別展 七宝瀧寺と志一上人―葛城修験二十八宿の世界― (in Japanese). 和歌山大学 地域活性化総合センター 紀州経済史文化史研究所. 2019-10-31.